Little Green Blog

Thursday, March 02, 2006

In the privacy of your own home

The mother of my student (the one with the blog that he never updates that I have linked on the side here) has mentioned several times that she is a big blogger herself. So I searched for her blog (her first and last name in the blogger search thing) and there it was, right on top of the list. So I read it. All of her posts for the last month. I now know about her dating life and a big fight with my student's dad. I feel a little dirty reading this stuff and I'm not sure if it's a good idea. On one hand, it's helpful to see this kid through her eyes and have a better sense of the things he's going through outside of school (it explains a lot, actually), and it's not like bloggers should have any expectation of privacy. But on the other hand, she is clearly not writing with her son's teachers in mind and it seems a little skanky to be taking advantage of her hobby like this. I'd find it weird if she was reading my blog, although she'd be perfectly entitled to. I just have no idea. I'm putting it to a vote and then I'll do whatever I want, anyway.

And from the delicious side of things, I have a new favorite non-George dinner to make: lazy-ass chili-mac. Here's the recipe:

boil water
make pasta (I prefer the short fat tubey ones)
add can of chili (I prefer generic brand no beans)heat until hot
The whole process takes about 15 minutes and I can eat it in a bowl or on a plate with a fork or a spoon, depending on what's actually clean. For as much as I like to cook, sometimes I'm a total boy.

Far less delicious news: the Senate just approved the renewal of the Patriot Act. Is this like Fuck Civil Rights Week or something? It is the week bridging African American and Women's History Months, so in some ways, it makes sense. Now I sound very Oberlin, but I'm concerned.


At March 07, 2006 2:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should fuck it deeply she have a nice hairy pussy with big juggs and than she is a big blogger

At March 08, 2006 10:55 PM, Blogger Jill said...

Um, were this anonymous post written with some semblance of grammar, I would assume one of my friends left it. As it stands, I have no idea who left it, why, and what they were doing on my blog in the first place. A minor concern, really, but a concern nonetheless.


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