Little Green Blog

Sunday, December 18, 2005


I'm back actually watching my Netflix movies. Season 1 of 24 has been on CBS late Saturday nights and I have been watching and enjoying it quite a bit, so now Season 2 is on my queue. I actually have 117 movies on my queue, though a bunch are full seasons of TV shows (Muppets, Sopranos, 24). Basically anything I ever want to see ever is on the list and I move things to the top when I want to watch them sooner rather than later. Anybody else (besides Brian) a Netflicker so I can add you to my friends? Real friends only, please--random strangers who stalk my blog need not reply. Also, anyone (including random strangers) know how to put an RSS feed into my blog or on the side of the template or something? Because I wanted to put my queue in here and it is already in RSS form (thank you Netflix) but I have no clue what to do next.

My body is achy in all sorts of random places and I don't quite know why. Maybe I was beaten by aliens and had my memory erased. You'd think they would have probed me, too, but I guess I got lucky.

I hate the McDonalds commercials with a fiery passion.


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