more migraines
Migraine's back. I missed work for the first time since having this job. I've been extremely bored and restless all day, but it was clear I couldn't do anything as any light at all felt like it was burning holes in my eyeballs and I almost killed my radiator for being "too loud." I slept a lot and I'm feeling a bit better again, though I'm still not great and I have so much HeadOn on my forehead my skin is starting to burn. I'm also ready to punch Freud in the face. He clearly senses something is wrong so he wants to be all clingy and cuddly. I am cranky and have been indoors too much and want him to entertain himself for five fucking minutes. I've been looking into health insurance for myself for when my COBRA thing runs out in six months, and some form I filled out online went to every insurer on the planet and they have all been calling me the last few days. It's more than I can deal with right now, so I just turned my phone ringer off. At least there's good TV on at 9, with Boston Legal and Law & Order: SVU on oppposing channels.
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